MISH Hospital and Clinics

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One of the most important factors to consider while considering weight loss surgery is how effective the operation will be long-term for each individual person. Weight loss success can vary based on the operation and how consistently the patient follows the "rules". The rules include what, when and how to eat and drink following surgery. The rules change at different timelines following surgery, and some patients have trouble remembering, and sticking to, the rules long-term. This is why MISH Hospital and Clinics provides a weekly Rules Class free to all bariatric weight loss surgery and prospective bariatric weight loss surgery patients.

The type of weight loss surgery can also affect long-term success. This is because some procedures like the Lap-Band and Gastric Balloon are temporary weight loss tools while others such as the Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy are more permanent. The Sleeve Gastrectomy has quickly become one of the more popular weight loss surgery options with many patients now choosing "the sleeve" over the more familiar, less permanent Lap-Band.

With the sleeve gastrectomy, the part of the stomach that stretches most to accommodate more food is removed. The sleeve gastrectomy surgery does not alter the normal digestive process, so food absorption and digestion remain the same. Weight loss after a sleeve gastrectomy procedure is projected to be 70% of the excess body weight, which is comparable to that of the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. This weight loss is expected to occur over one to one and half years after surgery. Half of the expected weight loss is lost in the first six months after surgery. To learn more about the sleeve gastrectomy, visit http://www.mishhospital.com/sleeve-gastrectomy.

Finally, if you're most concerned with the long-term success of your weight loss operation, select a Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) Accredited Bariatric Surgery Center with high long-term weight loss success rates. MISH Hospital and Clinics is a MBSAQIP Comprehensive Accredited Center performing all MBSAQIP approved weight loss operations available for surgical weight loss without weight restrictions.MISH Hospital and Clinics weight loss surgery patients lose 40% more weight on average three years after surgery compared to other accredited centers. To schedule your free weight loss consultation, call 913032207408